Say NO to Overdevelopment

Mountjoy | Colan | Bejowan | Bosoughan | Quintrell Downs | Nansledan | Newquay – Planners, Councillors, Inspectors and MPs have failed Cornwall and MUST stop the damage: Sign the Petition

Stop Massive Overdevelopment in Newquay – Join the Facebook Group

Support residents of Newquay and surrounding areas in objection to over development:

What is over development? (

According to the Planning Portal, overdevelopment can refer to the ‘amount of development (for example, the quantity of buildings or intensity of use) that is excessive in terms of demands on infrastructure and services’, or ‘ impact on local amenity and character’.

The density of any proposed development should maintain the prevailing character of the immediate area and when this is not the case, it can result in a refusal of planning permission if “demonstrable harm” is caused to the character or amenity of the area. Although it is not usually sufficient reason on its own, overdevelopment can lead to issues of traffic, overlooking, overbearing and character and is therefore an important consideration in the planning process.